Concrete Installation for polished concrete.
When it comes to a polished concrete floor the installation must be right. Problems arise when general builders try to install concrete have have neither the experience or skill to achieve the finish or concept required. Often the concrete is installed too wet which means the concrete is difficult to level or keep level betweem deliveries,it also becomes weak on the surface, crazing often appears and the concrete mix is weaker due to excessive water. It is important to vibrate the concrete to get rid of air bubbles held in the mix, edges need to be pokered well and steel trowled and the floor power floated for a flat uniform finish again much of this is over looked.
Due to the importance of the installation we have a team that will carry out the concrete prepping, laying and power floating. They are used to installing domestic areas as well as large commercial floors inexcess of 2000 sq/mtrs. With a good installation the grindng and polishing of the concrete is straight forward and a great finish is achieved time and again. Experience is the key to concrete polishing or just installing concrete so if you are looking at polished concrete or just need a slab installing give us a call.